Mahakavi Subramania Barathi is a renowned Tamizh Poet who is celebrated all over the country even today. A Man who had the audacity to think progressively and much to the defiance of his times. A True Man who treated women as Equals. A freedom fighter who fearlessly fought for the independence of the nation. A Man who was ready to face the world fierce fully, no matter what. The Remembrance Day, September 11, 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of this great man.

Being inspired and devoted to the works of the Maha Kavi, Nritya Samsrti Trust has taken a step forward by working on a Dance Production “ULAGA MAHA KAVI” that was conceptualised to pay tribute to the people's poet and also commemorating the occasion of his Remembrance day.

ULAGA MAHA KAVI is not just a usual life history of the poet but a novel attempt to throw light on those real life incidents of the poet which clearly depict how the poet lived up to his words. Another unique feature of this Dance Production is that the entire length was scripted only with the songs of the poet himself.

ULAGA MAHA KAVI was successfully staged on June 11, 2022, at Narada Gana Sabha. It was choreographed by Smt. Vaidehi Harish and has its music by Sri. Rajkumar Barathi, none other than the Great Grandson of “Subramania Bharathiyar”.